If dogs could speak………
You might be wondering what’s the point bro? Dogs are never going to speak. Flashback to World War I, soldiers living inside tents surrounded by barbed wires, lying on a heap of sacks against the rock hard bed, folding their arms with pictures of their daughter and wife right above their heart. They were unsure if they would ever meet their beloved ones. Imagine the desperation, how far would they go for the one last hug with their better half? Hundred years later, the situation has drastically changed. American soldiers in Afghanistan can now ask, pretty much every day, what their daughters had in the lunch. While the 20th-century soldiers would have loved to live 100 years later, they wouldn’t believe that, in near future, it would be possible to see and talk to their wives using palm-sized metal and plastic stuff with some chips embedded on it, I am talking about smartphones, you idiots
Don’t underestimate the human consciousness and its power to manifest. Billions of dollars are being splashed to overcome death, making a dog speak could be a breezy-easy task. A.I. algorithms could receive signals from dogs and convert them into uncomplicated forms, which could be easily discerned by humans. As much as difficult it sounds, the consequences might be very interesting.
Imagine if your dog could speak. What would she tell? She would probably wake up early in the morning reminding you to go for a morning walk. She would ask for food whenever she is hungry. And if she is naughty, she might just turn away unless a chicken leg piece is offered. She would confess about her crush on the neighbor dog in the month of Kartik. Although the life of a DEA officer, who works to catch drug traders, would be much easier, it would be a nightmare for boys who sneak in small packets of marijuana inside the house. Imagine the drama, getting caught because of your pet. The boys would want the pet straight out of the house but it could just be the other way around.
There is no denying the possibility that some dogs might turn into a philosopher. Imagine Rishi Dhamala interviewing the grand-old wise dog. What would he say about his identity? I bet he wouldn’t say he is a Christian or a Muslim, even though he is circumcised. Neither he would say that his identity is a proud Nepali or a Congress ko neta. Even though he gets the privilege to eat Choila while living with the Newar owner, he wouldn’t consider himself a Newar, Would he? Street dogs, if they could speak, would never consider themselves as a Khatey. They wouldn’t be able to discern that they are less fortunate than their fluffy counterparts who sleep with their mistress inside a warm blanket. I bet that so-called privileged one would happily play with so-called Khatey until her grumpy mistress would come running after her, pick her up and say “ Aww mero baby fohor bhayo” before taking her away. A dog doesn’t know she is a dog. If the man could be so fortunate.